Nelson Branco's SOAP OPERA UNCENSORED: Issue 58 Page 2
The Universe aligned in more ways than one! What’s the biggest difference this time around as an actor and as A.J.? You’ve returned to the show with such a wealth of acting experience, which is a nice juxtaposition to A.J. becoming a man.
It’s simple because I’m a man now. I was a young guy when I first played A.J.. GH was my second big job… Up until that point, I had done KARATE KID 3 and a few episodic gigs, but I had a lot of growing up to do — as a lot of guys in their 20s have to do. Today, I’m a father, which makes me unequivocally more qualified to play a father [to Michael as A.J.]. I have a lot more experience under my belt which I can directly relate to A.J. now. We don’t know what transpired with A.J. in those seven years he was gone. I have chosen to play that, somehow, these past seven years have matured, toughened him. He’s also sober now. When Billy was playing A.J., there were a lot of dormant bad things he did so I also have to stay true to the character since I wasn’t playing him for a long time and I am now. But I’m giving myself a little license to move beyond what A.J. did because I couldn’t be in the same room with the characters he hurt without them trying to strangle him! So I started to fill in the insecure blanks in his personality. A.J. is focused on being a good dad and taking over ELQ. It’s like a living amends. A.J.’s finally going to fulfilling the legacy of being the true Quartermaine heir and taking over the company to make up for all the bad things. Also, by A.J. being the best father to Michael, it’s also helping him heal in terms of what went wrong with Alan.
There’s still an edge and complexity to the role, which I appreciate. The greatest thing Ron could’ve ever written for you was having A.J. robbed of the moment when he could’ve said goodbye to a dying Edward because that’s always going to dictate A.J.’s actions from now on. And you and Jane Elliott are stealing the show, by the way!
[Laughs] She’s awesome, man! She’s awesome! And I keep finding out new things about Jane. You probably know this, but did you know she did a movie with Elvis?
Yes, I did! She recently gave an interview about that to TV GUIDE MAGAZINE’s Michael Logan!
I told Jane, “There are two types of people in the world: people who love Elvis or people who love the Beatles.” I’m an Elvis guy. After talking to her about Elvis, I was really star-struck by her.
I’m an Elvis guy myself! Those hips never lied! It’s been fun to see you play comedy… and play a fully realized character. I mean, Deacon could be snarky but he wasn’t very full of light. You’re such an accomplished comic actor with regular gigs at ACME, etc. Who is A.J. today?
The cornerstone of a lot of who A.J. is his love for his mother and his feeling that he’s never really good enough and not really measuring up so this is A.J.’s chance to really go for the brass ring.
GH is really good. I even watch it live — and I rarely watch anything live these days because I can watch two recorded shows in the same time and my time is precious as a TV critic/reporter!
Awww… that’s great to hear.
A lot of the fans are Team A.J. because lets face it: Sonny and Carly are the worst parents alive. Were you surprised of the unconditional love and support surrounding your return? Let’s face it: A.J. wasn’t a hero.
Yeah, I am because a lot of people have a lot of strong reasons to dislike A.J.. The fans have been very supportive. I think the real GH fans recognize that for the show to fire on all pistons the Quartermaines need a strong, huge storyline. In many ways, the Quartermaines are really the heart and soul of the show. Yes, Sonny and the Mob are important, too, but it’s when the Quartermaines and Sonny interact when the show is at its best.
Are you worried about GH’s future In 2013?
No, because I think Ron and Frank are really smart guys. The ratings keep going up and up and up… and, from what I can see, the show is a lean and mean machine, which I have to believe is cost-effective, so God willing we’ll continue [to air past our 50th anniversary in April].
You have chemistry with every leading lady you’ve worked with — I mean, you’ve run the gamut from Lesley-Anne Down to Melody Thomas Scott to Jennifer Finnigan to Adrienne Frantz to Katherine Kelly Lang — but A.J. is still lacking some love in the afternoon. Fans are either dying to see you paired with Liz or Sam — or both! Thoughts?
[Laughs] I got to tell you: I really like working with Kelly Sullivan, who’ve I shared a few scenes with. And this is going to sound creepy, but we’re pals so I’ll tell you… when I taped scenes with Robin Christopher, I felt like we had a lot of chemistry. Remember, AJ and Skye are not blood relatives.
I know. Loved your scenes with Robin!
There are a lot of options out there. And, from what I have been told, the show is not adverse to A.J. having multiple and simultaneous love interests in his life. Hey, I wouldn’t be surprised if we find out if A.J. is actually married. He could have a wife out there.
Seven years is like three decades in the soap world so that’s a lot of missing time for the audience to catch up on.
Do you think Steve Burton will return to GH?
Well, there is a rumour out there that he has joined Jill Farren Phelps over at Y&R…
I know! I heard something about that!
Which is ironic since you were on Y&R last year and you’ve both seemingly switched soaps!
Isn’t it weird?
Weird but what a difference a year makes! I have to say Ron and Frank really thought outside the box offensively when Burton quit by deciding to bring you back as AJ. I have to admit I would have never thought of doing that. Most other soaps would’ve recast Jason or lured a big hire as a new character to replace him. As a result, not a lot of fans are missing Jason because we have his brother on the air — and I think that was one of the show’s best decisions this past year because it hasn’t affected the ratings or the soap’s momentum other than kicking ‘em up a notch. Would you like to work with Steve again if he were to come back to Port Chuck?
Omigod… I would love to work with Steve again! Are you kidding? He and I have so much history together that I would have to believe our scenes would be pretty electric. Another actor I would love see come back to the show is Rick Hearst. I’m a huge fan. I don’t know if you know this, but Rick used to work at a restaurant called Café L.A. way back in 1987. I was an unemployed actor who’d go in there for lunch and Rick and I would always talk about the fact that one day we would make it. Years later, I was on B&B and he was on Y&R… and, when we walked past each other in the CBS hallways, we’d always wink at each other. I love working with Rick. I think we have tremendous chemistry together. We’ve done a movie together since, too.
And you were both on B&B at the same time, too. Rick definitely needs to come back, for sure. Nancy Lee Grahn really needs a strong love interest. So what’s ahead in 2013? Are you going to coast and enjoy the ride of 2012 and just relax in 2013 like a traditional gentleman?
No, I’m never trying to coast… I’m always moving forward. I’m publishing my second book, which I’m really excited about, and it is a sequel to my first book, THE MODERN GENTLEMAN. I’m also going to finally release my soap video, “I’m a Soap Star,” which stars Joshua Morrow and Ronn Moss rapping! People are going to love it and laugh their asses off. Listen, we’re not going to have a rap career any time soon, we all know that, but it’s very funny. [Laughs] I also booked two films this year, one of which is about Janis Joplin. Yep, there is a lot going on in 2013.
I think you should put yourself up for the Emmy Awards this year. There’s some good stuff you could easily submit, most specifically the material surrounding Edward’s death. You’ve never really chased Emmy before… why? You should… especially now that you could have potentially three shows voting for you.
The Emmys haven’t seemed to want to chase me all these years, either! [Laughs] I don’t know…
I’ll take a look at some scenes and if they hold up... I was told I’m the first actor in Daytime Emmy Award history who is eligible to put himself up for three shows [B&B, Y&R, and GH] in the same year.
Wow! They could be right — I’ll have to research that because Linda Dano could have you beat in that department. I would definitely throw my name under GH’s umbrella and not submit under Y&R and B&B because you don’t want to split the vote. Moreover, GH has really punctuated your growth as an actor — and you can’t lose by having the caliber of GH actors in your reels. And let’s face it: the writing on B&B and Y&R for you this past year wasn’t top drawer with a few exceptions.
What do you think of the scenes I did with Sonny in jail?
I saw them — they were great. You and Maurice are very good. You’re a formidable foe for Maurice. Did you know you were responsible for breaking up Brooke and Ridge on B&B?
No! What? Tell me!
Yep, Ridge dumped Brooke because he caught Brooke texting Deacon!
No way! [Laughs] That’s funny!
Do you miss Deacon?
Yes, I do! And I miss the gang over at B&B but I love what I’m doing right now with A.J. on GH. It’s so much more fun because I’m working